Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What's New.


19 days ago I began putting eggs into the incubator that I borrowed from a kindergarten teacher friend of mine.  I was soooo careful to set it up right and follow all the directions.  I marked on the calendar when I was supposed to take the first egg out of the turner and place it gently on the screening on the bottom the incubator.  This morning, I stretched and rolled and thought, today I move the first egg!  And in a terrible blast of cognition, I realized I had NEVER put the water in the reservoir at the very bottom!  I have probably cooked all my chicks. (no exclamtion point.  It's too sad for an exclamation point.)

Well,  I'll move the egg anyway, AFTER I put water in the reservoir.  And I'll begin putting new eggs in the incubator today.  Maybe in another 21 days I'll have chicks.  Who knows, maybe I'll have a new chick in 3 days.  It's been very humid here.  Only God knows.  We'll see.


I visited festivalnet.com on Saturday and found a craft show listed in Surf City on Long Beach Island.  It's being put on by the JCC of LBI on Sunday, August 21.  Just for ha has I emailed them asking there were any open spaces, and, Shazam!  There were two spaces left!  At $55 I felt it was worth the gamble and I bought one.  Now I have 3 weeks to prepare.  Eek!


L'Chaim, To life!

Acutally, I had been thinking about painting so Jewish themed canes for quite a while now.  So, Saturday afternoon I drew up 3 new designs and I've been diligently working away at them.  I personally love them.  But, I personally love all of my canes.

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Manchester Township, New Jersey, United States
My nane is Judy and I've been a christian for more than 3/4 of my life. I believe in redemption through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, that God, the Spirit lives in me and gives me the power to do His will and to live a joyful life. I have a Godly husband, a grown son and daughter. I live on a farm with 3 goats, 2 chickens, 2 horses, a cat, a dog and a python. I am an artist and a singer. I was a full time stay at home mom, the hardest job you'll ever love! I have two handmade shops on Etsy. Leaning on the Promises www.leaningonthepromises.etsy.com (Hand Painted Walking Canes) and Beaver Creek Pottery www.beavercreekpottery.etsy.com and an Etsy shop for selling Vintage and Antiques. Jersey Pine Pickers www.jerseypinepickers.etsy.com I post about my relationship with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, about the things He teaches me, delights me with and how He uses me.