19 days ago I began putting eggs into the incubator that I borrowed from a kindergarten teacher friend of mine. I was soooo careful to set it up right and follow all the directions. I marked on the calendar when I was supposed to take the first egg out of the turner and place it gently on the screening on the bottom the incubator. This morning, I stretched and rolled and thought, today I move the first egg! And in a terrible blast of cognition, I realized I had NEVER put the water in the reservoir at the very bottom! I have probably cooked all my chicks. (no exclamtion point. It's too sad for an exclamation point.)
Well, I'll move the egg anyway, AFTER I put water in the reservoir. And I'll begin putting new eggs in the incubator today. Maybe in another 21 days I'll have chicks. Who knows, maybe I'll have a new chick in 3 days. It's been very humid here. Only God knows. We'll see.
I visited on Saturday and found a craft show listed in Surf City on Long Beach Island. It's being put on by the JCC of LBI on Sunday, August 21. Just for ha has I emailed them asking there were any open spaces, and, Shazam! There were two spaces left! At $55 I felt it was worth the gamble and I bought one. Now I have 3 weeks to prepare. Eek!
Acutally, I had been thinking about painting so Jewish themed canes for quite a while now. So, Saturday afternoon I drew up 3 new designs and I've been diligently working away at them. I personally love them. But, I personally love all of my canes.
19 days ago I began putting eggs into the incubator that I borrowed from a kindergarten teacher friend of mine. I was soooo careful to set it up right and follow all the directions. I marked on the calendar when I was supposed to take the first egg out of the turner and place it gently on the screening on the bottom the incubator. This morning, I stretched and rolled and thought, today I move the first egg! And in a terrible blast of cognition, I realized I had NEVER put the water in the reservoir at the very bottom! I have probably cooked all my chicks. (no exclamtion point. It's too sad for an exclamation point.)
Well, I'll move the egg anyway, AFTER I put water in the reservoir. And I'll begin putting new eggs in the incubator today. Maybe in another 21 days I'll have chicks. Who knows, maybe I'll have a new chick in 3 days. It's been very humid here. Only God knows. We'll see.
I visited on Saturday and found a craft show listed in Surf City on Long Beach Island. It's being put on by the JCC of LBI on Sunday, August 21. Just for ha has I emailed them asking there were any open spaces, and, Shazam! There were two spaces left! At $55 I felt it was worth the gamble and I bought one. Now I have 3 weeks to prepare. Eek!
L'Chaim, To life! |
Acutally, I had been thinking about painting so Jewish themed canes for quite a while now. So, Saturday afternoon I drew up 3 new designs and I've been diligently working away at them. I personally love them. But, I personally love all of my canes.