Maryland is supposed to get 30 + inches of snow this weekend! They say Washington DC is staged to have the biggest snow fall year in recorded history.
Here in New Jersey, they "say" we "might" get 6 to 12+ inches. But!
If you look at the map of the Eastern Seaboard, with all the lovely shades of pink and purple, the deep purple of Maryland is also the deep purple of the New Jersey coastline.
The thing is, I've always been a sucker for weather. I mean, I love storms! I love blizzards! I love Nor' Easters and hurricanes! I love the feeling I get when I know the house is well stocked, so that, if we would should get cut off from the rest of hu
manity, we'll have enough to get us through until we can be dug out, reached by helicopter, rescued by boat.
The only kind of weather that I really can't stand is hot and humid.
My friends all think I'm crazy (But that's beside the point.) They all make awful faces whenever anyone mentions snow. And there I am, waving my fists in the air! Doin' my little happy dance!
So, I've got my knitting, and my paint projects, and my sketch pad and fancy ideas to get down on paper.
I'm set! How about you?