Sometimes I go outside, and stand in my yard, and look around me and say to myself, "How can I stand how good God is to me??" When I drive down the road, and see a hawk cross the highway, or if I take a walk with my honey and see three different kinds of fern along the side of the path, when I sit by the lake and look up just in time tosee the bass jump out of the water to grab that wonderful dragon fly! Have you ever gone scuba diving? I've been blessed severaltimes to scuba in the Caribbean. Oh! My! Golly! The sea turtles! The parrot fish! The sting rays!
What a privilege it is to live in this world and be able to share it, and sense it and love it! I mean, I live in New Jersey and Ishare my homestead with Beavers! Foxes! Deer! Red Headed Woodpeckers! Coyotes! Skunks! Great Blue Herons! Screech Owls! Snapping Turtles! Great Horned Owls! Box Turtles! Painted Turtles! Buzzards! Luna Moths! Wood Ducks! All on 16 acres. That is a miracle!
My Creator continually shows me things that totally amaze me. That's why I say, "Life is just so full of cool stuff!" Thank you, God!