I know that there are many of you out there who have heard me talk about my wonderful home and all the animals we share our life with. And you may have heard me wax eloquent about our beaver family.
They've lived with us since at least 2004. That's when we first saw them in our back yard.
They've helped themselves to our trees, both and big and little, and thinned out our woods. Our policy has always been to live and let live. Why get all worked up if they take some trees we really wish they wouldn't. Once we noticed that they were interested in our hundreds year old trees that measured 5 feet around and more we just wrapped them in chicken wire. That seems to have done the trick. (I was a little peeved when they took my miniature apple tree!)
So, here's the thing....
My husband has fallen in love their leavings! No!! Not that kind of leavings! I'm talking about all the pointy stumps theyleave behind. We've taken to calling them "beaver butts."
Tom envisions all kinds of decorative items thathe can fashion from the beaver butts.
He sees table lamps, photo holders, vases, and any number of other cool things that folks might like to have in their homes, made by real wild beavers from the famed "Pine Barrens" of New Jersey.
So, I want to ask all of my oh so talented followers what they think of the idea. The few folks that Tom has mentioned the idea to have said they thought it was a really great idea. But, you know, friends might not want to hurt your feelings.
Please! Tell us what you think. And don't worry about hurting our feelings! Lay it on the line! Tell it like it looks to you!
Is it a good idea?
Do you think folks would buy, because they think it's unique?