Friday, August 26, 2011

The Holiday Rush Will Be Starting Soon!


Last night I participated in a "Webinar" held by Tim Adam, from Handmadeology Pro. There was Tim, in a little box up in the left hand corner, as live as live can be!  To the right of him was a much larger box where he displayed his power point images and used his curser to point out aspects of what he was talking about.  The discussion topic was, The Holiday Rush, Setting Goals.  It coincided with the release of his Holiday Rush Goal Setting Spreadsheet.  (designed by Jason.)

Most of what he talked about had been covered in the blog posts and videos that he had already released concerning the spreadsheet.  But it was good to have him go over it in real time and expalin how it works.  (One small caveat;  If you're using a MAC, some things on the spreadsheet will look different and none of the links will appear.  Tim and Jason say they'll try to figure something out.)

But the real gems, as far as I'm concerned came in the Q and A afterwards.  There were not a whole lot of people signed on so the questions came from just a few of us.  They were wonderfully pointed questions, some of which demanded pin point answers.  Others were questions of opinion which Tim was glad was offer.

His partner, Jason, also chimed in with technical help and useful suggestions as well.

As a first time webinar it had it's bumpy moments, but all in all I think it was successful and I look forward to attending the other two in the series.

As a test for his blog, Handmadeology Pro, I think it was a tight little demo well worth the subscription price of $10.00 a month.

The thing about Tim Adam is that he's just so gall darned cute!  And he really seems to have a passion for helping others achieve their dreams as entrepreneurial artisans.  His sincerity shines out.

He's one of the "Good Ones"!


My photo
Manchester Township, New Jersey, United States
My nane is Judy and I've been a christian for more than 3/4 of my life. I believe in redemption through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, that God, the Spirit lives in me and gives me the power to do His will and to live a joyful life. I have a Godly husband, a grown son and daughter. I live on a farm with 3 goats, 2 chickens, 2 horses, a cat, a dog and a python. I am an artist and a singer. I was a full time stay at home mom, the hardest job you'll ever love! I have two handmade shops on Etsy. Leaning on the Promises (Hand Painted Walking Canes) and Beaver Creek Pottery and an Etsy shop for selling Vintage and Antiques. Jersey Pine Pickers I post about my relationship with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, about the things He teaches me, delights me with and how He uses me.