To those of you who are new to my blog, welcome! I hope you like what you see.
To those of you who are followers, I have a question.
OK, newbies can respond too.
Many of you know that I paint walking canes. I LOVE doing it! It’s been so very satisfying and I’m selling more and more of them now.
And, here it comes..... I’m really good at it!!
I’m proud of my work and so, so happy when folks tell me how much they love them!
Once or twice I’ve gone out with my canes and walked around, the mall, the park, the craft show. It always makes me feel just a little dishonest because I don’t need to use a cane.
But I want as many people to see them as possible.
Is this something I should get over? It’s OK for me take my canes for walks, right? Shouldn’t I take one everywhere I go?
I’d appreciate some feed back. OK, what I really want is everyone to comment and tell me that there’s nothing wrong with strutting my stuff and I’m being too sensitive.
But if you disagree, then let me have that too!
Thanx for your consideration!
Your canes should be seen! Be proud of your art and you never know when just the right person will see one ☺
Judy - there’s nothing wrong with strutting your stuff and you're being too sensitive! ;)
I think you could easily carry off one of your lovely canes as an accessory, you don't need to need one for walking!
If I could carry one of my paintings round with me I would - I'd probably get some funny looks doing that though!
Strut Your Stuff!
People who make jewelry wear their own to get noticed - why shouldn't you go out with a cane?
makes sense to me :)
strut your art!!! Nothing wrong with it At all.
Your canes are wonderful - you are very talented! Self-promote like crazy!!
I'm with the others, I see no problem with it either. It's not like you're pretending to be disabled and limping or whatever. They are beautiful and a wonderful piece of art! I'm with artangel..wish I could go around with bars of my!!
I ditto everything everyone has said. You might think of walking sticks too. Strut your stuff!
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