Monday, November 8, 2010

Community; It Takes a Village...


My son, who is now 28 years old, started his Boy Scout career when he was 6 years old. By the time he was 7 he had decided that he would one day become a Eagle Scout. As he progressed up the scouting trail we signed on as well.

My husband became an assistant scout master in 1993, the same year I joined the troop committee. And one thing that was clearly apparent was the wonderful parent participation in our troop. There were six or seven assistant scout masters and a dozen or so committee members. In 1999 Tom became the Scout Master. And in 2002 I started my time as Venture Crew Advisor for my daughter's crew.

From 1993 to today, Troop 114 has seen aprox. 35 Eagle Scouts. IMHO that's monentous! (Only 2% of boys who join scouting make it to Eagle.)

My daughter's crew is the only co-ed crew that has had any success over a period of 8 years.
(I don't say this to toot my own horn, but to point out the importance of parent participation)

Scouting is one of the pillars of our family life. It makes a positive difference in the lives of almost every child who joins. It not only builds character but equips youth with the social skills to be successful throughout their lives.

As adult members of the BSA we have joined a family of leaders and teachers who have enriched our lives and shown us love in many, many ways.

So, I can say without reservation, that when the village joins together, the child is raised well and learns to fly, very high indeed!
To purchase this canvas growth chart, or others like it, visit;


peggy gatto said...

Lovely post!!!
I hope you come by my post for community!

Maggie said...

Wow,what a great sense of community! Boy Scouts (and Girl Scouts) are such wonderful organizations.

Shelinwa said...

AWESOME love it!!

Robin Norgren, M.A, R-YT, Spiritual Director said...

growing up in a military family, the two things my mom made sure to do when we moved to a new town was find a church and find a girl scout troop...definitely helped with so much transition in my life. Bravo to you and your hubby!

Carola Bartz said...

Great post and how wonderful for all the scouts. It sure does take a village!

Unknown said...

Great post. What accomplishments you and your family have achieved. Wonderful. We have had several family friends who's children have obtained Eagle Scout so I know that it is no easy task and much to be proud of.. Wonderful community too!

Priti Lisa said...

Great post! So wonderful to make a difference in a young person's life!


My photo
Manchester Township, New Jersey, United States
My nane is Judy and I've been a christian for more than 3/4 of my life. I believe in redemption through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, that God, the Spirit lives in me and gives me the power to do His will and to live a joyful life. I have a Godly husband, a grown son and daughter. I live on a farm with 3 goats, 2 chickens, 2 horses, a cat, a dog and a python. I am an artist and a singer. I was a full time stay at home mom, the hardest job you'll ever love! I have two handmade shops on Etsy. Leaning on the Promises (Hand Painted Walking Canes) and Beaver Creek Pottery and an Etsy shop for selling Vintage and Antiques. Jersey Pine Pickers I post about my relationship with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, about the things He teaches me, delights me with and how He uses me.