Friday, July 24, 2009

Ceramic Tiles

I went to my very first networking meet and greet a couple of weeks ago. I signed in and got my name tag, with the red line around the outside. That told everyone that I was looking for work rather than looking for workers. Most of the people that were there were corporate types in clean white button down shirts and dress slacks. My job at this event was to go up to total strangers and announce myself, "Hi! I'm Judy Goddard and I'm an Artist and Musician. What do you do?" It's a good thing I don't mind calling attention to myself!

Two guys that were there had just started a kitchen and bathroom remodeling business. They asked me if I could paint on tiles, doing custom work for kitchen back splashes and decorative tiles for bathrooms. And of course, I said, "Yes! I can do that!" Then they
wanted to know if I could paint murals. And again my answer was, "Yes! I can do that too!"

And, although I had never painted on tiles or painted a mural, it was not a lie. Because I know that I can!

So I went to Home Depot and bought a few white glossy tiles.

I have glass and ceramic enamels that I had bought years ago, so I fished
them out and started painting.

These paints are designed specifically for painting on ceramics and glass. Once they have dried for 24 hours they are placed in an oven
and baked. That sets the paint on the surface of the tile or glass
and makes them hard and durable.

(Home Depot Photo courtesy of


Maureen @ Josephina Ballerina said...

Of course you can!

Jill said...

I love the colours on those butterflies and bees - lovely!

Alex Levine said...

Wow! Those tiles look awesome!


My photo
Manchester Township, New Jersey, United States
My nane is Judy and I've been a christian for more than 3/4 of my life. I believe in redemption through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, that God, the Spirit lives in me and gives me the power to do His will and to live a joyful life. I have a Godly husband, a grown son and daughter. I live on a farm with 3 goats, 2 chickens, 2 horses, a cat, a dog and a python. I am an artist and a singer. I was a full time stay at home mom, the hardest job you'll ever love! I have two handmade shops on Etsy. Leaning on the Promises (Hand Painted Walking Canes) and Beaver Creek Pottery and an Etsy shop for selling Vintage and Antiques. Jersey Pine Pickers I post about my relationship with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, about the things He teaches me, delights me with and how He uses me.