Thursday, February 26, 2009

I have this particular problem, can you relate?

I have never been a person who is fond of being on the computer. I'm not a surfer. I don't hang out on facebook. I have a bazillion sites bookmarked and I hardly ever get back to them. I joined last April and slowly slid into despondency.

I faithfully read the forum posts and posted questions. I frequently received sympathetic responses and kind words of encouragement. I set up this blog, specifically for the purposes of networking and drawing others to my shop. Every time I thought I had reached the end of what could be done, someone else came along with another suggestion.

But I just can't keep it all in my head. Even if write it down, I get so easily overwhelmed.

I read a blog post the other day that said that the reason so many web businesses fail is because of poor marketing skills. And I totally agree.

I've bought books on how to market myself.
I bookmarked and read articles written by professional business people on the pitfalls and how to avoid them.
I've taken the advice of friends and colleagues.
I've made a buisness plan and tried to stick to it.

I try to digest it all, in little bites, and I feel like a stuffed sausage. If I attempt to organize my data and thoughts later in the day, like afternoon or evening, I quickly become confused and then frozen. So I tell myself to wait until the morning, when I am fresh, and it makes no difference.

There are many, many people who successfully promote and market their wares. I know, with out a doubt. that I am capable of producing items that others will want to own. I just do not have what it takes to get it to those patrons.

Is there a service that anyone offers that can tailor a plan for someone like me? Is there a person that will help me make a plan that can work for me? Is there a person who I can talk to when I become overwhelmed? someone to hold my hand and walk me through it?

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My photo
Manchester Township, New Jersey, United States
My nane is Judy and I've been a christian for more than 3/4 of my life. I believe in redemption through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, that God, the Spirit lives in me and gives me the power to do His will and to live a joyful life. I have a Godly husband, a grown son and daughter. I live on a farm with 3 goats, 2 chickens, 2 horses, a cat, a dog and a python. I am an artist and a singer. I was a full time stay at home mom, the hardest job you'll ever love! I have two handmade shops on Etsy. Leaning on the Promises (Hand Painted Walking Canes) and Beaver Creek Pottery and an Etsy shop for selling Vintage and Antiques. Jersey Pine Pickers I post about my relationship with God, the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, about the things He teaches me, delights me with and how He uses me.